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Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga for a Positive Mind & Achievement

Your mind is a powerful tool, when aligned with positivity and purpose, it becomes the key to success and fulfillment. Kundalini Yoga awakens the Positive Mind, the part of you that sees opportunities, embraces challenges with confidence, and magnetises abundance.
Through pranayama, mantra, and movement, Kundalini practices help clear mental fog, dissolve self-doubt, and activate your inner radiance, so you can move toward your goals with clarity, strength, and trust in yourself.

Are you ready to step into your highest potential? The power is already within you.

4 week course starts on Tuesday 18th March till 8th April
At Chyan Cultural Center - Sky Barn

4 week block booking £60
Drop in £20 per class

I’m also opening up for people to join via zoom! Or if you’d like to receive the class recording

Message me to reserve your space

"You have to know your strengths and weaknesses. Between your strengths and weaknesses is you” Raghurai Singh

We will be working with the Kriya for Postive Mind and Achievement
This set will engage your positive mind to be open to the possibilities that life has to offer. It will help you to experience your strengths and weaknesses so you can find out what keeps you from being yourself. You will connect to your solar energy, which is expansive, strong will, playful and optimistic. It will make your communications strong and direct balancing the navel point and nervous system to increase your self-esteem. Your heart and mind will use your natural joyful disposition to confront any problem or health challenge and inspire you to become authentic.
Breath can deliver us through every challenge. When a kriya gets tough, use the breath - when life gets tough, use the breath!!

29 March

Yoga Stops Traffick

2 April

Five Ways to Wellbeing