Chyan Cornish Produce

Chyan Cornish Produce ⋆

Chyan Farm is an Organic Apple Farm with a natural spring rising from the granite deep beneath Penryn

We pick, press and bottle our Apple Juice onsite in the same bottling plant as our Still and Sparkling Water using renewable energy whenever possible and operate a bottle redemption scheme through our local suppliers to minimise waste

You can find our drinks at the following local stores:

Ragamuffin’s Cafe, Falmouth

Mr Ragamuffin’s, Falmouth

The Natural Store, Falmouth

Bailey’s Country Store, Penryn

Spar, Penryn

Perranarworthal Stores

Argal Farm Shop

Mabe Village Stores

Mawnan Smith Stores

Falmouth Garden Centre

Bosavern Community Farm

and of course at Chyan Cultural Centre!

If you would like to stock our products please email us!

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  • Curabitur hendrerit turpis dui, sed condimentum dui tempus congue. Nulla facilisi.

  • Nunc ac felis ut turpis hendrerit auctor non vel enim. In egestas sapien viverra, hendrerit arcu bibendum, aliquet arcu.

  • Suspendisse potenti. Quisque mattis eu dui nec blandit. Nullam volutpat felis mi, vel laoreet dui faucibus eget.

  • Vestibulum laoreet urna orci, quis eleifend tortor commodo vel. Curabitur blandit imperdiet libero, id iaculis leo ultricies vitae.