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Chyan Apple Tree Sangha

We meet monthly on a Sunday morning in Chyan Apple Barn.
Suggested donation £5

We generally begin with a period of sitting meditation, sometimes
silent and sometimes guided.  If you use a meditation cushion or stool,
please bring this with you.  You may also want to bring a yoga mat,
shawl or blanket.

Sitting practice is followed by a period of silent walking meditation
or movement practice. This is either inside or outside depending on the

Another shorter period of silent sitting follows. We will then share a
reading or an audio recording of dharma teaching or explore an exercise
ourselves, and read the five mindfulness trainings aloud, together.

We end with a period of ‘Dharma sharing’ where we share from the heart, and practise deep listening.

Sangha is rooted in the teachings of the Buddha and we welcome people
from any, or no, faith background. Whatever our beliefs we come
together in the spirit of compassion and a desire to live fully and
completely in every moment of our lives.

Chyan Apple Tree Sangha has grown from 4 main roots:
1. Plum Village
2. Gaia House
3. Tarchin Hearn
4.The Crystal Group

We would love you to join us in our meditation practice.

3 April

Circus Skills Club

6 April

Wellbeing Fayre